Festival 2025
Monday 10th March - Saturday 15th March 2025
N0W is the time to support your local music festival, which has been giving a stage to young musicians and spoken word specialists for over a century. Many thousands of people of all ages have been given the opportunity, because of this festival, to take the first step to a lifetime of enjoyment and many have gone on to become important musicians and composers that have gained world wide acclaim.
This is your Festival make the most of the chances it offers!!
FOR DETAILS...Go to 'NEW IN 2025' Page

Singing Workshop for Junior Schools
SING IN ...2
Sponsored by Truro Lions Club
Piano Masterclass. Class 179
Singing Masterclass…. Class 130
Patrons Scheme
Individuals would be most welcome to support our charity. We operate a Patrons scheme which runs from January to January
Bronze £25.00 per year
Silver £50.00 per year
Gold £100.00 per year
Gold + any amount in excess of £100.00
Patrons are offered free tickets on a sliding scale depending on level of membership.
We are looking for Sponsors for Festival 2025.
If you would like to know that you are helping to support a highly regarded and fondly treasured part of the Cornish Musical landscape please contact the chairman. We would be immensely grateful for any contributions offered.

New in 2025...
Choir Prizes sponsored by Cornwall Music Service Trust
Best Junior School Choir. £100.00 Gear4music Voucher
Best School Senior Choir. £100.00 Gear4music Voucher
Best Adult Choir (Male/Female or Mixed) £100 voucher of choice