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1. Cornwall Music Festival’s online entry system should be accessed via the website entries page.
2. If you are viewing the syllabus online you should visit the different drop-down menus, take a note of the class/es that you wish to enter.
3.When you are ready, go to the Enter 2023 Festival Here page, click on the link and this will take you to the Play and Perform Site where you can make your entry/ies.
4. Each time you make an individual entry you will be asked for the name / age/ permission to take a photo etc. PLEASE NOTE as soon as the persons age is entered only the Classes eligible for that age will appear.
5. If you are entering a choir, the choice of classes available will not appear until you have entered the name of your Choir.
1. We would be grateful if as many people as possible could enter online as this will reduce our volunteers’ workload considerably.
2. Postal entries will still be accepted as per the instructions on the Entry Forms, copies of which can be found in the centre of the Syllabus booklet or downloaded from HOME page of this website.
3. The closing date for entries is set as late as it possibly can be, to allow for the task of collecting and collating entries, formulating a timetable, producing a programme and getting all to print in time for the Festival.
Late entries cannot be accepted, sorry.